1 This Site
This website (our "Site") is operated by Exhibit Auctions Ltd, a company registered in Scotland with registered number SC664937 and having its registered office c/o Defacto Fd, Merlin House, Mossland Road, Glasgow, G52 5XZ ("we", "our", "us").
2 Our Terms
2.1 Our Site is an auction site, where you (a "bidder/buyer") may bid for and purchase artwork and other sale items ("lots") during live or timed auctions streamed on-line (an "auction"). We are auctioneers. We will exhibit or display the lots on our Site in advance of our auctions for previewing. We sell lots as agents for the artists or other sellers ("sellers") who ask us to sell the lots on their behalf.
2.2 These terms set out how you may bid for and purchase lots at our auctions, what we will do, what we won't do, and what you are obliged to do in relation to your purchase of products.
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2.4 We offer lots for sale only at our auctions and during those auctions are acting as agents for sellers in selling their lots to bidders.
2.5 Bids are submitted to us by you either in advance see clause 7 below or during the auction itself. Bidding is enabled through software provided by Auctionary, which is the trading name of Bidpath Ltd, a company registered in England (number 08613187) with its registered office c/o Sagars Accountants Ltd Gresham House, 5-7 St. Pauls Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS1 2JG ("Auctionary"). When you submit a bid at one of our auctions, you are offering to purchase a lot we are offering for sale as agent of a seller. If your bid is successful, you will be entering into a contract for the sale and purchase of the lot between you as buyer and us as agent of the seller.
2.6 When you participate in our live auctions you, agree to abide by these terms. These terms may be enforced by us as agent of sellers or by the sellers themselves.
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2.8 You should read these terms carefully before bidding at our auctions as they create binding legal obligations upon you. If you do not understand any part of them please let us know using the contact details set out below. You will be asked to acknowledge your acceptance of these terms each time you participate in one of our auctions. If you do not agree with or accept any of these terms, you should not proceed.
2.9 Please note that we may update our terms from time to time, so if you revisit our Site at a later date and before you participate in any of our auctions you should check these terms again at that time to make sure you have seen the current version.
2.10 If you have any questions about our Site or these terms, including if you don't understand any part of these terms, please contact us:
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3 Contracts
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3.2 Our Site sets out a date and time when live auctions are to be conducted or the date and time a timed auction will remain open for.
3.3 When you submit a bid to purchase a particular lot at one of our auctions, it constitutes an offer to buy that lot.
3.4 When the bidding on individual lots during one of our live auctions is finalised by the auctioneer either through the forceful fall of the hammer or verbally, a contract is concluded for the sale and purchase of the relevant lot between the highest bidder and us, as agent of the seller. The bid accepted by the auctioneer is the "bid price". That contract incorporates these terms, in so far as they apply to that sale and purchase. These terms take precedence over any other terms of that contract.
3.5 Once a contract is concluded by the auctioneer, it cannot be cancelled or terminated except as set out in the terms of that contact, or otherwise as permitted by applicable law.
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3.7 We may cancel any contracts concluded for the sale or purchase of lots, at our discretion or refuse to accept a bid. This will generally be for the following reasons:
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3.8 Where we cancel a successful bid, the relevant lot may be offered (at our discretion) to the next highest bidder at the relevant auction.
3.9 If we cancel the contract under clauses 3.7.4, the bid price, less any storage costs incurred will be returned to you and the title in the lot will revert to the seller.
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5.3 Options to insure a lot you have purchased will be provided in the post-auction notice.
5.4 Title in any lot will not pass to a buyer until we have received the full payment of the bid price in cleared funds.
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6 Charges
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8 Condition
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18 Variation
These terms are dated March 9th, 2021. No changes to these terms are valid or have any effect unless agreed by us in writing. We reserve the right to vary these terms from time to time.
19 Disputes
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